Design criteria

We want a 2D model system we can use for illustration, and also to weed out ideas that are definitely bad...

  • Should have a lot of obvious metastable states, with a lot of "microstates" within each "macrostate"...
  • Should have a mix of entropic and energetic barriers
  • Should have interesting differences between what works for over-damped (diffusive) vs. under-damped (ballistic) kinetics

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
def generate_egg_crate_landscape(well_frequency=6.0,
    """Rough energy landscape, with ~ 16 big wells and a lot of little wells"""
    def U(x):
        background = background_depth * np.sum(np.sin(x * background_roughness_frequency))
        wells = well_depth * np.sum(np.sin(x * well_frequency))
        return background + wells + np.sum((x)**4)
    def dU(x):
        background = background_depth * background_roughness_frequency * (np.cos(x * background_roughness_frequency))
        wells = well_depth * well_frequency * (np.cos(x * well_frequency))
        return background + wells + (4 * (x**3))
    return U, dU

In [3]:
U, dU = generate_egg_crate_landscape()

In [4]:
from numba import jit

In [5]:
def force(x):
    return -dU(x)

In [6]:
def langevin_factory(force):
    def simulate_langevin(x, v, stepsize=0.01, collision_rate=0.01, n_steps=1000, mass=1.0, temperature=1.0):
        dim = len(x)

        xs = np.zeros((n_steps, dim))

        a = np.exp(-collision_rate * stepsize)
        b = np.sqrt(1 - np.exp(-2 * collision_rate * stepsize))

        sigma_O = np.sqrt(temperature / mass)

        f = force(x)
        maxwell_boltzmann = sigma_O * np.random.randn(n_steps, dim)

        for i in range(n_steps):

            # V
            v += (stepsize / 2) * f / mass
            # R
            x += (stepsize / 2) * v
            # O
            v = a * v + b * maxwell_boltzmann[i]
            # R
            x += (stepsize / 2) * v
            f = force(x)
            # V
            v += (stepsize / 2) * f / mass

            xs[i] = x

        return xs
    return simulate_langevin

In [7]:
simulate_langevin = langevin_factory(force)

In [8]:
from itertools import product
maxima_1d = np.pi / 12 * np.array([5, 1, -3, -7]) + (np.pi / 6)
initial_conditions = np.array(list(product(maxima_1d, repeat=2)))

array([[ 1.83259571,  1.83259571],
       [ 1.83259571,  0.78539816],
       [ 1.83259571, -0.26179939],
       [ 1.83259571, -1.30899694],
       [ 0.78539816,  1.83259571],
       [ 0.78539816,  0.78539816],
       [ 0.78539816, -0.26179939],
       [ 0.78539816, -1.30899694],
       [-0.26179939,  1.83259571],
       [-0.26179939,  0.78539816],
       [-0.26179939, -0.26179939],
       [-0.26179939, -1.30899694],
       [-1.30899694,  1.83259571],
       [-1.30899694,  0.78539816],
       [-1.30899694, -0.26179939],
       [-1.30899694, -1.30899694]])

In [9]:

In [10]:
# run a few steps just to get it to JIT compile
_ = simulate_langevin(np.random.randn(2), np.random.randn(2), n_steps=10)

In [17]:
initial_x1 = np.random.randn(2)
initial_x2 = np.random.randn(2)
initial_v1 = np.random.randn(2)
initial_v2 = np.random.randn(2)

In [ ]:

In [25]:
xs1 = simulate_langevin(initial_x1, initial_v1, n_steps=10000)

In [26]:
xs2 = simulate_langevin(initial_x2, initial_v2, n_steps=10000)

In [28]:
plt.plot(np.linalg.norm(xs2 - xs1, axis=1))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10bef5b00>]

In [11]:
simulate_langevin(np.random.randn(2), np.random.randn(2), n_steps=10000)

CPU times: user 284 ms, sys: 11.5 ms, total: 296 ms
Wall time: 287 ms
array([[ 2.26708118, -1.45368243],
       [ 2.25791836, -1.44795638],
       [ 2.24166314, -1.43735968],
       [-1.07372906, -1.25862358],
       [-1.10790754, -1.26013815],
       [-1.14237224, -1.26363816]])

In [12]:
from tqdm import tqdm

n_clones = 50

overdamped_trajs = []

for i in tqdm(range(len(initial_conditions))):
    x0 = np.array(initial_conditions[i])
    for _ in range(n_clones):
        xs = simulate_langevin(x0, np.random.randn(2), stepsize=0.05, collision_rate=np.inf, n_steps=10000)

100%|██████████| 16/16 [03:41<00:00, 14.46s/it]

In [13]:
underdamped_trajs = []

for i in tqdm(range(len(initial_conditions))):
    x0 = np.array(initial_conditions[i])
    for _ in range(n_clones):
        xs = simulate_langevin(x0, np.random.randn(2), stepsize=0.05, collision_rate=1.0, n_steps=10000)

100%|██████████| 16/16 [03:42<00:00, 12.99s/it]

In [14]:
xs = overdamped_trajs[0]
plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], linewidth=1, label='overdamped')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11197ab70>]

In [15]:
xs = underdamped_trajs[0]
plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], linewidth=1, label='underdamped')

xs = overdamped_trajs[0]
plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], linewidth=1, label='overdamped')


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1119d7278>

In [16]:

n_rows = n_cols = 3

for i in range(n_rows * n_cols):
    ind = 50 * i
    plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + 1)
    xs = underdamped_trajs[ind]
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5, label='underdamped')

    xs = overdamped_trajs[ind]
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5, label='overdamped')
    plt.title('trajectory {}'.format(ind))

In [17]:
for xs in underdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1])

In [18]:
for xs in overdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1])

In [19]:
for xs in underdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], color='blue')
for xs in overdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1], color='orange')

In [20]:
for xs in overdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1])
width = 5
X = np.random.rand(10000, 2) * width - (0.5 * width)
Us = np.array([U(x) for x in X])
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=Us, s=2, cmap='Blues')

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x131323cc0>

In [21]:
for xs in underdamped_trajs:
    plt.plot(xs[:,0], xs[:,1])

X = np.random.rand(10000, 2) * width - (0.5 * width)
Us = np.array([U(x) for x in X])
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=Us, s=2, cmap='Blues')

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x130ffd358>

In [22]:
from msmbuilder.cluster import RegularSpatial

clust = RegularSpatial(d_min=0.15)[xs[::10] for xs in overdamped_trajs])

/Users/joshuafass/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)
/Users/joshuafass/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. This module will be removed in 0.20.
/Users/joshuafass/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/ FutureWarning: The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
  from pandas.core import datetools
RegularSpatial(d_min=0.15, metric='euclidean')

In [23]:


In [24]:
X = np.vstack(overdamped_trajs)
plt.hexbin(X[:,0], X[:,1], bins='log', cmap='Blues')
plt.scatter(*clust.cluster_centers_.T, color='red')

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x158065eb8>

In [25]:
X = np.vstack(underdamped_trajs)
plt.hexbin(X[:,0], X[:,1], bins='log', cmap='Blues')
plt.scatter(*clust.cluster_centers_.T, color='red')

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x13120c128>

In [26]:
underdamped_dtrajs = clust.predict(underdamped_trajs)

In [27]:
overdamped_dtrajs = clust.predict(overdamped_trajs)

In [28]:
import pyemma
overdamped_msm = pyemma.msm.estimate_markov_model(overdamped_dtrajs, lag=10)


In [29]:
underdamped_msm = pyemma.msm.estimate_markov_model(underdamped_dtrajs, lag=10)


In [30]:
plt.plot(underdamped_msm.timescales(), '.', label='underdamped')
plt.plot(overdamped_msm.timescales(), '.', label='overdamped')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14fd841d0>

In [31]:
plt.plot(underdamped_msm.timescales(), '.', label='underdamped')
plt.plot(overdamped_msm.timescales(), '.', label='overdamped')

In [32]:
max(overdamped_msm.timescales()) / max(underdamped_msm.timescales())


In [33]:
int(max(overdamped_msm.timescales())), int(max(underdamped_msm.timescales()))

(690291, 26872)

In [34]:
plt.imshow(overdamped_msm.P, cmap='Blues')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1505d5630>

In [35]:
plt.imshow(underdamped_msm.P, cmap='Blues')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x15285ca20>

In [36]:


In [37]:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
def ground_truth_discretization(xs):
    return np.argmin(cdist(xs, initial_conditions), 1)

In [38]:
overdamped_dtrajs_gt = [ground_truth_discretization(xs) for xs in overdamped_trajs]
underdamped_dtrajs_gt = [ground_truth_discretization(xs) for xs in underdamped_trajs]

In [ ]:

In [39]:
sets = [set(x) for x in overdamped_dtrajs_gt]
n_states = list(map(len, sets))
total_n_states = len(set.union(*sets))
plt.hist(n_states, bins=np.arange(1 + total_n_states))
plt.xlabel('# states visited in a single trajectory')
plt.ylabel('# trajectories')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x152c56a58>

In [40]:
# let's bootstrap over the trajectories and see how quickly we visit all states

cumulative_states_visited = []

n_bootstrapped_samples = 100
for _ in tqdm(range(n_bootstrapped_samples)):
    inds = np.random.randint(0, len(sets), len(sets))
    re_ordered_sets = [sets[i] for i in inds]
    cumulative_states_visited.append(np.array([len(set.union(*re_ordered_sets[:i])) for i in range(1, len(sets))]))

100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:02<00:00, 44.95it/s]

In [41]:
for curve in cumulative_states_visited:
    plt.plot(curve, color='grey', linewidth=0.5)

In [42]:
mean = np.mean(cumulative_states_visited, 0)
stdev = np.std(cumulative_states_visited, 0)

plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(mean)), mean - 2 * stdev, np.minimum(total_n_states, mean + 2 * stdev), alpha=0.5)
plt.hlines(total_n_states, 0,  len(cumulative_states_visited[0]))

<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x152f45208>

In [43]:
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.50 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.75 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.90 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.95 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.99 * total_n_states).mean(0))


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x153207cf8>

In [44]:
sets = [set(x) for x in underdamped_dtrajs_gt]
n_states = list(map(len, sets))
total_n_states = len(set.union(*sets))
plt.hist(n_states, bins=np.arange(1 + total_n_states))
plt.xlabel('# states visited in a single trajectory')
plt.ylabel('# trajectories')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x153341320>

In [ ]:

In [45]:
# let's bootstrap over the trajectories and see how quickly we visit all states

cumulative_states_visited = []

n_bootstrapped_samples = 100
for _ in tqdm(range(n_bootstrapped_samples)):
    inds = np.random.randint(0, len(sets), len(sets))
    re_ordered_sets = [sets[i] for i in inds]
    cumulative_states_visited.append(np.array([len(set.union(*re_ordered_sets[:i])) for i in range(1, len(sets))]))

100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:03<00:00, 32.75it/s]

In [46]:
for curve in cumulative_states_visited:
    plt.plot(curve, color='grey', linewidth=0.5)

In [47]:
mean = np.mean(cumulative_states_visited, 0)
stdev = np.std(cumulative_states_visited, 0)

plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(mean)), mean - 2 * stdev, np.minimum(total_n_states, mean + 2 * stdev), alpha=0.5)
plt.hlines(total_n_states, 0,  len(cumulative_states_visited[0]))

<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x1537d9240>

In [48]:
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.50 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.75 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.90 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.95 * total_n_states).mean(0))
plt.plot((np.array(cumulative_states_visited) >= 0.99 * total_n_states).mean(0))


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x153853fd0>

In [49]:
overdamped_msm_gt = pyemma.msm.estimate_markov_model(overdamped_dtrajs_gt, lag=10)


In [50]:
underdamped_msm_gt = pyemma.msm.estimate_markov_model(underdamped_dtrajs_gt, lag=10)


In [51]:
plt.plot(underdamped_msm_gt.timescales(), '.', label='underdamped')
plt.plot(overdamped_msm_gt.timescales(), '.', label='overdamped')

In [52]:
max(overdamped_msm_gt.timescales()) / max(underdamped_msm_gt.timescales())


In [53]:
int(max(overdamped_msm_gt.timescales())), int(max(underdamped_msm_gt.timescales()))

(473245, 20373)

In [54]:, underdamped_msm_gt.pi)

<Container object of 14 artists>

In [55]:
plt.scatter(initial_conditions[:,0], initial_conditions[:,1])#, c=underdamped_msm_gt.pi)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1538be240>

In [ ]:
# let's look at implied timescales as function of lagtime for overdamped and underdamped...

In [65]:


In [74]:
lags = np.unique(np.array(np.round(np.logspace(0,4)), dtype=int))[:-1]

array([   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    7,    8,   10,   12,   14,   17,
         20,   24,   29,   36,   43,   52,   63,   75,   91,  110,  133,
        160,  193,  233,  281,  339,  409,  494,  596,  720,  869, 1048,
       1265, 1526, 1842, 2223, 2683, 3237, 3907, 4715, 5690, 6866, 8286])

In [71]:
underdamped_its = pyemma.msm.its(underdamped_dtrajs, lags=lags, nits=10, show_progress=False)

22-03-18 12:08:39 pyemma.msm.estimators.implied_timescales.ImpliedTimescales[3] WARNING  Ignoring lag times that exceed the longest trajectory: [10000]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/progress/reporter/ in ctx()
     97             try:
---> 98                 yield
     99             finally:

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/msm/estimators/ in _estimate(self, dtrajs)
    200                                                      return_estimators=True, n_jobs=self.n_jobs,
--> 201                                                      progress_reporter=pg, return_exceptions=True)
    202         self._estimators = estimators

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/ in estimate_param_scan(estimator, X, param_sets, evaluate, evaluate_args, failfast, return_estimators, n_jobs, progress_reporter, show_progress, return_exceptions)
    367     if show_progress:
--> 368         progress_reporter._progress_force_finish(0)

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/progress/reporter/ in _progress_force_finish(self, stage, description)
    198             pg.update(increment)
--> 199         pg.refresh(nolock=True)
    200         pg.close()

TypeError: refresh() got an unexpected keyword argument 'nolock'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-71-5f55e8b15f4a> in <module>()
----> 1 underdamped_its = pyemma.msm.its(underdamped_dtrajs, lags=lags, nits=10, show_progress=False)

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/msm/ in timescales_msm(dtrajs, lags, nits, reversible, connected, weights, errors, nsamples, n_jobs, show_progress, mincount_connectivity)
    226     itsobj = _ImpliedTimescales(estimator, lags=lags, nits=nits, n_jobs=n_jobs,
    227                                 show_progress=show_progress)
--> 228     itsobj.estimate(dtrajs)
    229     return itsobj

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/msm/estimators/ in estimate(self, X, **params)
    146             how many subprocesses to start to estimate the models for each lag time.
    147         """
--> 148         return super(ImpliedTimescales, self).estimate(X, **params)
    150     def _estimate(self, dtrajs):

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/ in estimate(self, X, **params)
    410         if params:
    411             self.set_params(**params)
--> 412         self._model = self._estimate(X)
    413         self._estimated = True
    414         return self

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/msm/estimators/ in _estimate(self, dtrajs)
    199             models, estimators = estimate_param_scan(self.estimator, dtrajs, param_sets, failfast=False,
    200                                                      return_estimators=True, n_jobs=self.n_jobs,
--> 201                                                      progress_reporter=pg, return_exceptions=True)
    202         self._estimators = estimators

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/ in __exit__(self, type, value, traceback)
     98                 value = type()
     99             try:
--> 100                 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
    101                 raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop after throw()")
    102             except StopIteration as exc:

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/progress/reporter/ in ctx()
    101                     keys = tuple(self._prog_rep_progressbars.keys())
    102                     for s in keys:
--> 103                         self._progress_force_finish(stage=s)
    104                 elif isinstance(stage, (tuple, list)):
    105                     for s in stage:

~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyemma/_base/progress/reporter/ in _progress_force_finish(self, stage, description)
    197         if increment > 0:
    198             pg.update(increment)
--> 199         pg.refresh(nolock=True)
    200         pg.close()
    201         self._prog_rep_progressbars.pop(stage, None)

TypeError: refresh() got an unexpected keyword argument 'nolock'

In [ ]:
overdamped_its = pyemma.msm.its(overdamped_dtrajs, lags=lags, nits=10)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
underdamped_its = pyemma.msm.its(underdamped_dtrajs, lags=np.arange(1,100), nits=10)

In [72]:


In [78]:
from msmbuilder.msm import implied_timescales

underdamped_its = implied_timescales(underdamped_dtrajs, lag_times=lags)
overdamped_its = implied_timescales(overdamped_dtrajs, lag_times=lags)

MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=1.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990712%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.50. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990723%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.33. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990735%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.25. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990746%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.20. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990758%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.14. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990781%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.12. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990793%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.10. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990816%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.08. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990839%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.07. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990862%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.06. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990897%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.05. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990932%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.04. Component 0 selected, with population 99.990978%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.03. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991037%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.03. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991118%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991200%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991305%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991434%
MSM contains 5 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991549%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991763%
MSM contains 3 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.991987%
MSM contains 5 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.992260%
MSM contains 6 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.992581%
MSM contains 6 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 99.992977%
MSM contains 6 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.993460%
MSM contains 6 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.994045%
MSM contains 6 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.994760%
MSM contains 7 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.995634%
MSM contains 9 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.996713%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.998033%
MSM contains 12 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 99.998842%
MSM contains 16 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 18 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 18 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 100.000000%
MSM contains 24 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 99.999562%
MSM contains 10 strongly connected components above weight=1.00. Component 0 selected, with population 96.605436%
MSM contains 10 strongly connected components above weight=0.50. Component 0 selected, with population 96.605496%
MSM contains 10 strongly connected components above weight=0.33. Component 0 selected, with population 96.605557%
MSM contains 10 strongly connected components above weight=0.25. Component 0 selected, with population 96.605617%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.20. Component 0 selected, with population 94.691958%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.14. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692097%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.12. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692166%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.10. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692305%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.08. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692443%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.07. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692582%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.06. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692790%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.05. Component 0 selected, with population 94.692998%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.04. Component 0 selected, with population 94.693276%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.03. Component 0 selected, with population 94.693624%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.03. Component 0 selected, with population 94.694111%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 94.694599%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 94.695228%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.02. Component 0 selected, with population 94.695997%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.696839%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.697964%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.699305%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.700935%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.702858%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.01. Component 0 selected, with population 94.705223%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.708111%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.711609%
MSM contains 11 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.715519%
MSM contains 13 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.719828%
MSM contains 17 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.725147%
MSM contains 18 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.730341%
MSM contains 25 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.736705%
MSM contains 26 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.742211%
MSM contains 26 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.747054%
MSM contains 27 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.753191%
MSM contains 28 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.760989%
MSM contains 34 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.708844%
MSM contains 34 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.719075%
MSM contains 34 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 0 selected, with population 94.732848%
MSM contains 35 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 94.749279%
MSM contains 42 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 94.762945%
MSM contains 42 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 94.784011%
MSM contains 45 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 94.819983%
MSM contains 52 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 1 selected, with population 94.853143%
MSM contains 62 strongly connected components above weight=0.00. Component 3 selected, with population 94.885356%

In [80]:

(44, 10)

In [93]:
for i in range(overdamped_its.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,i], color='orange')
for i in range(underdamped_its.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(lags, underdamped_its[:,i], color='blue')

In [94]:
for i in range(overdamped_its.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,i], color='orange')
for i in range(underdamped_its.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(lags, underdamped_its[:,i], color='blue')

In [29]:
plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,0] / underdamped_its[:,0])

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-9187339b863c> in <module>()
----> 1 plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,0] / underdamped_its[:,0])
      2 plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,1] / underdamped_its[:,1])

NameError: name 'lags' is not defined

In [91]:
plt.plot(lags, underdamped_its[:,0])
plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,0])


In [92]:
plt.plot(lags, underdamped_its[:,0])
plt.plot(lags, overdamped_its[:,0])


In [99]:
plt.plot(np.sum(overdamped_its, 1))
plt.plot(np.sum(underdamped_its, 1))

In [100]:

array([   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    7,    8,   10,   12,   14,   17,
         20,   24,   29,   36,   43,   52,   63,   75,   91,  110,  133,
        160,  193,  233,  281,  339,  409,  494,  596,  720,  869, 1048,
       1265, 1526, 1842, 2223, 2683, 3237, 3907, 4715, 5690, 6866, 8286])

In [ ]: